What is 3D miniature?

By Andrew Saied Motaei | April 15, 2019 | Artisan Persian painting, Modern technologies |
Andrew and his Master Mahmoud Farshchian
Root of the tree from the painting "Her first Flower"

3D miniature is a deviation of technique that some characters in the painting stands out from the canvas and take form as a semi sculpture characters. This method is created by master Motaei to farther the dominance of some characters as real objects among the flat miniature characters in the painting.

Challenge of creating such characters and make it look natural and flow with other painting characters is a gigantic challenge in painting technic. Material selection longevity of bond between canvas and paint, skill of brush work flow of the paint is some of the technical challenges that master had to overcome to achieve to a perfect balance realistic looking and long lasting.

My studio
My studio

Harmony between 2D and 3D characters needs great care to avoid becoming too much. Nevertheless have pleasant effects in the eyes and mind of observers. It took many years to perfect this technique and still he is advancing this technique to a much higher level. To commission paintings or special orders please contact Andrew at